Academic notebook


Characteristics of Escherichia coli

Characteristics of Escherichia coli

Escherichia coli was discovered in 1885 by Theodor Escherich, an Austrian pediatrician, who isolated the bacterium from stool samples of newborn babies. It belongs to the family Enterobacteriaceae, comprising about 60 genera with more than 200 different species
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Homemade method for DNA isolation

To isolate own DNA in your kitchen, you need only a few things that you can easily find in almost every home - or easily to buy. Check if you have: dishwashing liquid, a teaspoon of salt, pure ethanol, a clean glass, fridge and a little bit of patience.
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What is capsid?

Capsid is a protein shell that is part of the virus structure. It is made of identical elements called capsomeres. The capsid contains nucleic acid (DNA or RNA). Viruses are…
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