Academic notebook



What is the freezing point of ethanol?

Pure ethanol freezes at about -114 °C. However, by adding more and more water to this alcohol, the freezing point of such a solution begins to approach 0 °C. For example, vodka, a 40% solution of ethanol and water, freezes at -23 °C.
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Homemade method for DNA isolation

To isolate own DNA in your kitchen, you need only a few things that you can easily find in almost every home - or easily to buy. Check if you have: dishwashing liquid, a teaspoon of salt, pure ethanol, a clean glass, fridge and a little bit of patience.
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Piranha solution preparation

Piranha solution is one of the most commonly used laboratory glass cleaner. Its strong oxidizing agent and removes most organic matter. However, it should be remembered that due to its…
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Aqua regia by Thejohnnler

Aqua regia preparation

Aqua regia (other names: regal water, king's water) is a mixture of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and nitric acid (HNO3) in proportions of 3:1 (volume ratio). This liquid has orange color…
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