Academic notebook


Biological Sex as a Key Factor in Medicine: A Scientific Perspective

Biological Sex as a Key Factor in Medicine: A Scientific Perspective

For decades, medicine treated the human body as a relatively universal model, with little consideration for sex differences beyond the reproductive system. Recent research has revolutionized this approach, demonstrating that biological sex - determined by sex chromosomes (XX in females and XY in males) and associated hormonal differences - influences almost every aspect of human physiology and health outcomes. This fundamental biological variable affects everything from cellular metabolism to drug responses, making it a crucial consideration in modern medical practice and research.
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Why is water so important for living organisms?

Why is water so important to living organisms?

Water, although it is a very simple molecule, because it consists of only 3 atoms - one oxygen and two hydrogen - is the foundation of life on Earth, and probably in the universe at all (if we find one). It is not without reason that when observing distant solar systems, astronomers look for planets that are in the so-called habitable zone, i.e. the habitable zone enabling, among others, the occurrence of liquid water. But let's go back to Earth and look at water from the side of its properties important for life ...
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What is cytoplasm?
BiologyCell biology

What is cytoplasm?

It has a seemingly simple and uniform structure, fills the entire cell except the nucleus, helping to stabilize it. It can also take on both liquid and gel form. It is the site of many important chemical reactions in the cell, such as protein synthesis, as well as the first phase of breathing. It helps to transport everything that is needed inside the cell. This is how the cytoplasm can be briefly described.
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